A Very Help Scout Thanksgiving

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, then I hope your queues will be calm and your turkey song weirdly affecting. I’m thankful for you, friend — caring enough about your job and your customers to spend your time with us here on a blog about service and experience.
If you are working through the holiday, I hope your boss and your customers appreciate it. And though customer service work can be exhausting and under-appreciated, there are things we can all give thanks for:
For the customers who take great screenshots and the ones who attach the right files. For every single person who reads the help documentation.
For the colleagues who take over when you just can’t anymore, and the boss who knows when to give you a break.
Be thankful for the people who are polite even when they are in the right.
For those who admit their mistakes and especially the ones who apologize.
For the people who get your name right and the people who at least get your jokes.
The ones who know the difference between rating the product and rating the service and the ones who know the difference between a request and a demand.
Give thanks for the people who provide the relevant details and the people who provide irrelevant GIFs.
For the leaders who invest in customer experience, the managers who listen, and the engineers who care about users.
For the customers who give us work to do and people to do it for.
And for all the kind ones.